Network / Agency name (Type name to group your campaigns & offers)
Campaign name e.g.
Campaign logo url
Campaign Promotion creative url
Campaign ID ( Optional )
Default Campaign URL (default landing page url of website or whatsapp url)
To create WhatsApp Link Click here
Campaign tracking url - pls provide all required attributes in the url
Campaign Type e.g. CPS, CPL or CPV etc...
Campaign Category e.g.electronics, books or toys etc..,
Campaign Region / Country (multiple countries should be seperated by comma) e.g. india, united states etc..,
Campaign Terms and Conditions ( Optional )
Cashback allowed? (yes / no)
Cashback details ( Optional )
Select currency
Deep linking allowed? (yes / no)
Is Web campaign? (yes / no)
Is Mobile campaign? (yes / no)
Targeted platform / operating system ( Optional ) e.g. Android or iOS etc..,
Campaign description ( Optional )
Your email
Your phone number
Source tracking required (default is yes)? If no, source identity will be masked
Start Date
If you have any questions regarding submitting campaign, feel free to write to us -