Custom Promotions

Create custom promotions and share on social media with tracking

You can share on social media or messaging apps, all clicks on the link will be sent to respective destination (website or whatsapp). Get tracking on those links for FREE.

Who is promoting?

How to connect?

Provide Website url?

Provide WhatsApp number

Title to display in your Ad

Description to display in your Ad?

Url of image to be displayed in your Ad

Upload only if image link is not available and you have permission. To get upload permission write to -

* Upload image having size less than 150KB for them to be sharable outside. To reduce size, you can use this website.

Is there a coupon code?

Additional tracking id

Note - This is built for your own use, we do not validate or store data entered. Please enter correct details for it to work properly.

For any help and support, write to us -