Now, you can easily link PayOff with your content. No pugins or add-ons required.
To deeplink automatically
API Endpoint :
Method: GET
Query params (url encoded):
url (madatory): URL to deeplink and track
uid (optional) : Email id registered with PayOff
URL provided will be automatically deeplinked with an active campaign.
If a uid is provided, the deeplink will be tagged to the userid and tracked under user's profile. You can verify clicks, information on those clicks from your profile and get FREE access to detailed reporting.
Note: Short link urls are allowed. PayOff will extract and deeplink automatically.
If you have an existing affiliation and like to retain it, we can help with that too. Write to
Test Auto Deep Linking (Do not encode while using this)
Auto DeepLinkTo extract link behind a short URL
API Endpoint :
Method: GET
Query params (url encoded):
url (madatory): URL to extract
uid (madatory) : Email id registered with PayOff
For more information and help, write to